Monday, December 28, 2020

Is a really bad decision if you are taking acid reflux medication, you might want to really pay attention to this, because your health might just depend upon itheartburn drugs and acid reflux medicine, especially those knows as proton pump inhibitors, or ppi’s, are seriously bad news for your long term health and can affect just about everything from your gut, to your bones, to your heart. Side effects of taking acid reflux medicine. Omeprazole is a common drug that some people take to treat heartburn, or acid reflux this article looks at its uses, dosage, and side effects, as well as what to know before taking the medication.

side effects of taking acid reflux medicine

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Wintermute said that other medications with less dangerous side-effects can be prescribed to treat acid reflux and that making lifestyle or diet changes can often help alleviate symptoms. And a study published in gastroenterology revealed that healthy adults taking ppis during an 8-week research period developed acid reflux symptoms after going off the drugs. this led researchers to speculate that ppis can cause a “rebound effect” (making initial symptoms worse) and potentially making patients dependent on the medication.. Heartburn medications can come with serious side effects : shots - health news millions of people take proton pump inhibitors. but the drugs can increase patients' risk of infections, bone.

more info side effects of taking acid reflux medicine---> click here


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