Thursday, October 28, 2021

I'm pregnant and generally avoid medications i wake up most nights with reflux and have found natural yoghurt to help they do a 500g pot in tesco for 55p it's instant relief avoiding acidic or sugary food- meats, carbs really helps, especially before bed, as does upping the intake of alkaline foods such as veg. Acid reflux pregnancy mumsnet. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the mumsnet pregnancy newsletters this is a premium feature to use this feature subscribe to mumsnet premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads , and support mumsnet.

acid reflux pregnancy mumsnet

How Long Does Baby Zantac Take To Work - Baby Viewer

more info acid reflux pregnancy mumsnet---> click here


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