Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The first category of foods that you should avoid if you suffer from acid reflux are spicy foods they stimulate acid production and reflux if you’re not careful and let this situation continue, you could develop chronic gastritis if you’re used to consuming large quantities of spicy foods on a regular basis, try making some gradual changes to your diet. Food to avoid if u have acid reflux. In the meanwhile, avoiding these foods can help you avoid acid reflux attacks so, avoid these foods when you have acid reflux grains whole grains tend to form a large part of our staple diet however, most basic grains like wheat, wild and brown rice, rye and wholemeal bread/pasta are highly acidic foods.

food to avoid if u have acid reflux

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Foods to avoid in gerd diet each person may have different triggers for acid reflux; however, there are certain foods that have a tendency to aggravate those who suffer from gerd. It is possible to control acid reflux by making smart decisions. modifying the body position, eating smaller portions, and avoiding certain types of food will be helpful in improving the condition. although there is a dispute in the medical community about the foods that cause acid reflux, several researchers agree that a few food products and beverages increase the symptoms turning the.

more info food to avoid if u have acid reflux---> click here


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