Thursday, March 18, 2021

Acid reflux and gerd are unlikely to cause heart palpitations directly however, the same factors, such as eating certain foods, can trigger both acid reflux and palpitations acid reflux could. Acid reflux affect your heart. Acid reflux typically affects the esophagus, as the primary problem is the movement of acid from the stomach, where it is made, up into the esophagus people with long-term acid reflux may develop a condition known as barrett esophagus, in which the cells lining the lower esophagus transform to look like stomach cells.

acid reflux affect your heart

Heartburn GERD ቃሓር ብኸመይ ንከላኸሎ |

Heartburn gerd ቃሓር ብᚸመይ ᚕᚨላᚸሞ | eastafrocom

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Acid reflux has also been known to cause chest pain, which can be mistaken for angina or even a heart attack heart palpitations heart palpitations are noticeable changes in a person’s heart rate and it can feel as though the heart is pounding, racing or skipping beats. Occasional heartburn or acid reflux can happen to anyone. however, if you experience it two or more times a week most weeks, you could be at risk for complications that may affect the health of. Understanding how acid reflux can affect your ears. whether you only suffer from minor acid reflux symptoms or have a more notable problem like gerd or lpr (silent reflux) each set of people can be affected. out of the 3 sets of people the people with lpr are they most likely to be affected..

more info acid reflux affect your heart---> click here


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